Argentinian Tango in and around Bury St Edmunds
Erin Malley and
Doruk Golcu

Erin Malley & Doruk Golcu are an internationally touring teaching couple. Partners on the dance floor and in life, they have been dancing together since 2004, and have a combined 50 years of dance experience. They are known for their smooth dancing, their turns, unique musicality, and connection to one another. Erin and Doruk are generous teachers, known for the approachable way that they share their knowledge of both the body in motion and the structure of the dance.
For more information visit

Natalia Aguero and Agustin Venturino

Together they have based their teaching methodology on the analysis of movement, creating a study of tango that starts from the deepest essence of movement and grows into the complexity and subjectivity of music interpretation.
For more information visit

Tango y Nada Mas brings more than 20 years of experience in Argentine Tango to London through classes, workshops and performances. We share the Tango culture of Buenos Aires with an emphasis on the music, the embrace, the walk and social dancing. Our aim is to inspire people with this beautiful improvised dance and to build a community of like-minded dancers here in London.
For more information visit

Pablo Nievas

Internationally renowned dancers and teachers, Pablo and Valeria are one of the most solid and attractive couples among the new generation of tango dancers. With a sweeping energy and an imposing stage presence, their charisma and sensuality stand out in all their shows.
For more information visit
Yamila Ivonne & Tomás Corbalán

Yamila Ivonne & Tomás Corbalán are very talented tango dancers and teachers from Argentina. They travel the world with their unique style of teaching that concentrates on the connection between couples.
For more information visit their Facebook page.

Martin Espindola

Martin is a dedicated dance
practitioner and performer in
both tango and contemporary disciplines. His focus and
approach have been influencedby his previous experience as a high profile athlete and coachon the world stage.
For more information visit
​Luis Bianchi & Daniela Pucci

Since the beginning of their professional partnership in 2006, Daniela and Luis have established themselves as popular dancers and instructors, as evidenced by their curriculum spanning festivals, workshops and performances in more than 80 cities distributed across four continents.
For more information visit
Daniela Borgialli

I am a full-time Argentine
Tango teacher, who has taught
at a major US University for
the last 10 years. I also teach, organize, choreograph,
perform, and promote, which
is the artiste's life!
For more informatiom visit
Mabel Rivero

Elena Mabel Rivero learned her first dancing steps in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Along with Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Rosario is part of the "Triángulo Rioplatense", the triangle of the River Plate, which is home to a distinctive artistic style.
For more information visit
Amir Giles

Amir has extensive experience with several vernacular partner dance forms specialising in Argentine Tango and Lindy Hop.
For more information visit

Paras Saghi and Paul Vossen

Paras and Paul have danced together since 1999 and they started to teach in 2003 in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Hungary and Italy. They organise the very popular Taboe Tango camps in the Netherlands.
For more information visit

Omar Sosa

Omar Sosa was born and raised in the heart of a traditional family of tangueros in Buenos Aires. During his thirty year career he has been an Argentine Tango professional dancer, teacher and choreographer.
For more information visit:

Kate Isotta and Tony Ramsay

Kate and Tony from Tango Abrazo in Norwich are renowned for their ability to simplify the most exciting and elaborate steps into simple techniques to ensure that what is learned can be led (or followed) with any partner. They are an inspiration to watch for the way in which they make the dance flow and appear so easy.